Including: Cre recombinase, reporter gene, and Cas9-related mice
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Arcem1(CreERT2-SV40-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200101
Research Application:By mating the reporter mice with CreERT2-expressing mice, Arc positive cells derived from double-positive mice were permanently labeled by fluorescent protein after tamoxifen treatment. Arc, a immediate-early gene, encodes a novel cytoskeleton-associated protein that is enriched in neuronal dendrites.
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Aregem1(P2A-CreERT2-T2A-mtagBFP2-WPRE-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Developing | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-240366
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Aregem1(Kozak-DreERT2-2A-mtagBFP2-WPRE-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Developing | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-240076
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Ascl1em1(CreERT2-Wpre-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200207
Research Application:When crossed with a strain carrying a gene flanked by loxP sites, the flanked gene will be removed in cells expressing cre after tamoxifen treatment. These mice may be useful in studying the role of Ascl1 positive neural progenitor cells in the neuronal turnover and neuronal replacement.
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Atp1a1em(2A-CreERT2)Smoc
Strain State:Sperm cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-215079
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Atp4bem1(2A-CreERT2-WPRE-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-200240
Research Application:Cre tool mice
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Atp4bem1(2A-DreERT2-WPRE-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Sperm cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-234854
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Atp4bem1(IRES-CreERT2-WPRE-pA)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-210118
Research Application:Cre tool mice
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Atp4bem2(IRES-CreERT2)Smoc
Strain State:Sperm cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-210119
Research Application:Cre tool mice; stomach
Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Atrnem(2A-Cre)Smoc
Strain State:Sperm cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-215077
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