Catalog No.
Strain name
Tissue types
Cell types
NM-KI-200142 Avp-IRES-Cre Nervous system Vasopressin-Expressing cell Repository Live
NM-KI-200196 Axin2-2A-DreERT2 Others Signal Pathway Sperm cryopreservation
NM-KI-200109 Axin2-CreERT2 Others Signal Pathway Developing
NM-KI-220657 Bdnf-2A-CreERT2 Sperm cryopreservation
NM-KI-220385 Bhlha15-2A-DreERT2 Sperm cryopreservation
NM-KI-200080 Bhlha15-CreERT2 Pancreas Acinar cell Repository Live
NM-KI-200158 Bhlha15-CreERT2(2) Pancreas Acinar cell Embryo cryopreservation
NM-KI-234181 Birc5-IRES-CreERT2 Repository Live
NM-KI-200095 Bmi1-IRES-CreERT2 Gastrointestinal tract Stem cell Sperm cryopreservation
NM-KI-232141 C1ql2-IRES-Cre Nervous system 丘脑前背侧细分区(AD)的兴奋性神经元中表达 Repository Live

* There are some knockin mice carrying the Dre recombinase gene under the control of the specific promoter. When crossed with a strain containing rox sequences, Dre-mediated recombination results in tissue-specific deletion of flanked sequences in the offspring.

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